Tuesday, November 09, 2010

You're A Good Soldier, Choosing You'r Battles, Pick Yourself Up And Dust Yourself Off Get Back In The Saddle

So as it turns out rehersald run till 6:30 tonight instead of 5. :(
And I'm kinda addicted to tumblr? check it out. (and no, the pictures aren't of me, one or two are but... you know)
Um I'm inlove with the movie Uptown Girls because it's a really good movie aaaaand it deep and meaningful :) I need a new book to read and I'm obsessed with the songs : Breakfast in America (SuperTramp), WakaWaka (Shakira, both english and spanish), Canvas (Imogen Heap), Charmed Life (Leigh Nash) so um yeah... :D

Friday, November 05, 2010

It's A Charmed Life, Innocence While, Crayola Skies For A Thouseand Miles

Sam. :)
Apparently Leif gave my pen to Vai. :(
Glee comes back on tonight :D I haven't seen it in forever!!!
Hrmm. Lets see. what else was I going to tell you?
Oh yeah! I'm making the dress in the sidebar --->
hopefull Nieve can be my model for it! (Sarah, I was going to ask you but her hair and face suit it better...)

Thursday, November 04, 2010

Over the shifting desert plains, Across mountains all in flames.

I'm in English atm. :) I was first finnished exam revision so my teacher let me go on the computer. :D I guess I'm ment to be doing more study but... eh. I'll do it in a minute. :)

BEN!!!! hahahahahaha (dedication to Sarah.)

Across the oceans Across the seas, Over forests of blackened trees. Through valleys so still we dare not breathe, To be by your side.

Ok so, watch this ok?
and watch some Alex Reds Twilight.
And ShaneDawson Haunted House.
kthxbi. :) xxx

Wednesday, November 03, 2010

'Cause We'er Goin' Nowhere And We're Gettin' There Fast

Ok, well I'm sorry Sarah. I know I haven't posted in a while, but Sarah?? I'm pretty sure you're like the only person who reads these.

*Oh hello Mike*